Boston Whaler Congratulates 2019 Employee Service Award Recipients

December 2019 News

Boston Whaler honored its longtime employees during a Service Awards ceremony held on December 3. Awards were presented to employees who have been a part of the organization for 5 or more years. In total, more than 120 employees were honored at the ceremony, where they were each presented with a gift and posed for a photo with President Nick Stickler.

“Congratulations to our Boston Whaler employees on their service anniversary!” said Human Resources Business Partner Heather Stewart-Johnston. “We sincerely appreciate your hard work and efforts year after year. You are valuable members of the Boston Whaler team and we wish you the best for continued success.”

The Boston Whaler Service Awards, given on an annual basis, serve to recognize hard work and dedication. Employees are honored for hitting each five-year milestone with the company. This year, the following were awarded:

5 years at Boston Whaler – ­54 employees
10 years – 6 employees
15 years – 24 employees
20 years – 16 employees
25 years – 19 employees
30 years – 2 employees
35 years – 1 employee
45 years – 1 employee

The Service Awards are part of a concerted effort to foster a positive, teamwork-oriented environment and to reward excellence on the job. Similar initiatives include Whaler’s Touchpoint Program, an innovative approach to supporting new hires throughout their onboarding process; and the Mastor/Mentor Program, dedicated to nurturing and rewarding both hard and soft skills.

“The sheer number of years amassed and the number of people being recognized today are a true testament to the culture of our company,” said Stickler, addressing the honorees. “Together, we uphold the spirit of teamwork and collaboration that helps keep us strong. Boston Whaler wouldn’t be the success it is today without your efforts. We appreciate all of your years of service.”

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