HydroHoist Boat Lifts, leading manufacturer of marine dock equipment, announced today the release of the most versatile hydro-pneumatic boat lift available — HarborHoist.
HarborHoist is the most versatile, free-floating boat lift on the market. Built to protect the value of a vessel in adverse weather conditions and the harsh marine environment. The unit is constructed with rugged, marine-grade, impact-resistant polyethylene tanks and an aluminum frame to extend the life of the product. With a capacity to handle vessels from 4,400 to 25,000 pounds, HarborHoist is constructed of the highest quality materials to enhance longevity in salt water applications. In addition, HarborHoist includes a self-leveling lift system for added safety when launching and stowing. It is compatible with fixed or floating docks and works with all types of dock applications including: U-shaped, double-wide slips, L-shaped or square dock spaces. The hull support system can be configured for nearly all types of boats, including stern drive, outboard, tow/wake, pontoon and tritoons.
Designed for easy installation, HarborHoist can simply be tied to a dock or moored with a conventional mooring system. With its standard rope mooring system there is no permanent attachment to the dock, which allows the unit to be easily moved in places that are prone to flooding and hurricanes. HarborHoist is equipped with a push-button controller and non-skid walkways mounted to the top of the tanks that run the full length for easy access in both the up or down position. This allows for easy and safe loading and unloading of passengers. Its low-profile design does not obstruct shoreline views like other products. Assembly and installation are simple and intuitive. The HarborHoist operates using standard 110 VAC power and can also be operated by a 1,800-watt generator, inverteror solar power system. Canopies are available for additional vessel protection.
“We have seen incredible reception to smaller versions of the HarborHoist we introduced this year and received immediate requests to increase lifting capacity,”said Mick Webber, CEO of HydroHoist Marine Group. “To meet customer demand, we increased the size of the product, maximized lift capacity and increased the flexibility of the types of boats supported. With decades of experience and superior product knowledge of the industry, we have been able to apply our technology to manufacturing the most advanced floating salt and freshwater boat lift on the market.”
Boat lifts reduce vessel maintenance and ensure the highest resale value of the boat by stopping marine growth from accumulating and facilitate easy cleaning. They also protect the hull by preventing it from hitting the dock during inclement weather, control water osmosis and prevent electrolysis. In addition, boat lifts are far superior to trailering or dry stack storage by giving boat owners immediate access to the water.
For More Information:
HarborHoist, HydroHoist