It’s no secret that the Great Lakes have endured some tortuous ups and downs by the hand of man in the last centuries, but since the Clean Water Act of the 1970s, things have only gotten better, right? The real story is not so simple as a lake returning from the brink of death due to timely government action. While the lakes are now known for their beautifully clear water, pernicious problems continue to lurk in the depths, and this time, those problems have a life of their own.
We had an opportunity to read a prerelease copy of the book, and it surpassed all expectation.
The Death and Life of the great Lakes traverses the ecological impact of the species which have invaded the Great Lakes through the St. Lawrence Seaway and how those species have spread through the rest of the continent’s fresh water. This book carries a profoundly moving story on its brilliant writing and smooth storytelling. Part history, part journalism, this book offers unique insight into the pollutants missed by the 1972 Clean Water Act, the living ones. Playing the dissonant chords of the past against a hopeful note going into the future, The Death and Life of the Great Lakes also discusses signs that some of the local species of the Great Lakes are adapting to meet the challenges of this changed ecology. Not only provocative and insightful, this book is a rare piece of highly engaging, exemplary writing on a topic worthy of the spotlight.
Find the book here.