GM Bolts Into Pontoon Market

New all-electric prototype on display in Miami

February 2019 Feature Brady L. Kay Web Exclusive

News broke this morning at the Miami International Boat Show as General Motors unveiled its Forward Marine FIRST all-electric pontoon boat. The vision at GM is a world with zero crashes, zero emissions and zero congestion, so its latest offering truly drives home its commitment. 

For more than 60 years GM Marine has been producing durable, long-lasting, proven engines, and with this prototype, the manufacturer was able to take a closer look at how to improve the overall boating experience.

“What we found is a huge opportunity to make the relaxing experience of boating even more relaxing,” said General Motors VP Dan Nicholson, “We decided that it’s time to look at blending our proven marine product capability with our other strengths and taking it all to the next level with something that fits precisely within General Motors’ vision.”

The prototype 24-foot all-electric boat has three aluminum pontoons and is powered by a proven automotive grade propulsion system. The proprietary hull is designed to maximize power and range and is made of one-eighth-inch aluminum alloy. The center pontoon is wider than the outside tubes so the complete system fits nicely inside. The propulsion system is strategically positioned and integrated with a mid-ship mounted battery pack and drive unit, which provides power to the outdrive through a drive shaft.

“Even the power electronics are all packaged underneath the deck,” added Nicholson at the unveiling this morning in Miami. “By packaging all of the propulsion components below deck, the boat has a clean, uncluttered floor space, an unobstructed rear swim deck and capacity for up to 12 people.”

At the heart of this boat is a 60 killowatt-hour battery that can provide over 10 hours of cruising, a top speed of over 20 mph, weighs approximately 4,700 pounds and can be recharged using a standard 110-volt outlet or a 220-volt SAE charge station.

GM is clearly targeting the luxury side of boating by including a refrigerator and grill in the stern as well as a mounted television on the wakeboard tower plus other key amenities designed to make boating more pleasurable. 

“Think about it: minimal maintenance, no refueling, no mess, no extra fuel costs and virtually silent operation,” stated Nicholson. “This is the boat that will make relaxation more relaxing. Imagine having the ability to enjoy drinks straight from the on board refrigerator, make some food on an electric grill, watch the on board TV and keep all your favorite electronics charged all day on this beautiful boat.”

Known as a technology company, the Forward Marine FIRST all-electric pontoon by GM will be on display all weekend at the Miami Boat Show, and a second model will be featured at Detroit Boat Show as well.

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