Luxury, noun
lux·u·ry | \ˈlək-sh(ə-)rē
1: a condition of abundance or great ease and comfort: sumptuous environment
2a: something adding to pleasure or comfort but not absolutely necessary
2b: an indulgence in something that provides pleasure, satisfaction, or ease
Boating on the Great Lakes is a true luxury, taking advantage of that narrow window between May and October where we add pleasure or comfort to life. Where we indulge in something that provides satisfaction. Every Great Lakes boater loves something different about boating -- from sailing to cruising to ‘tooning -- but we can all agree that those months are the crowning glory of each year where we make the most memories and truly live our best lives.
Whether you’re a first time boater or grew up at the helm, I’ve selected a few of my favorite things -- indulgences, really -- to add even more pleasure to your boating season this year on the North Coast.